Industries Which Need Cleaner Air
Known as "The World's Fastest Ducting" because it is so quick to install, clean out, and reconfigure, Nordfab® ducting can be and is used in industrial air cleaning / process ventilation systems of all types. Nordfab is applied almost anywhere a dust collector, industrial air filter, weld or fume collector, baghouse, or cyclone is installed.
Clean air provides a safer environment for workers and can help maintain machinery efficiency. Proper air filtration also reduces risks of fires and explosions that can be caused by the buildup of combustible dust.
Manufactured from galvanized steel with laser or plasma welded seams, which have smoother internal surfaces and provide greatly enhanced leak resistance, Nordfab Quick-Fit® (QF®) ducting offers an unbeatable solution for all general purpose dust extraction duties. The easy to assemble components allow fast installation with no special tools and no painting and are re-useable when there are machinery reconfigurations.
Nordfab ductwork has been installed by these manufacturers or in these types of facilities:
- Agricultural Product Manufacturers & Processors including Grains
- Aeronautics and Aerospace Manufacturers (also used in repair / service facilities)
- Automotive Product Manufacturers (Weld Fume Extraction)
- Battery Manufacturers
- Boat Builders
- Building Products Manufacturers (Windows, Doors, Cabinets, Baths & Spas)
- Carbon Producers
- Dust and fumes from carbon black
- Cardboard Manufacturers (Trim)
- Chemical Manufacturers (For Dust Removal And Fume Collection)
- Coffee Roasters
- Commercial Printers
- Concrete / Cement Producers (Concrete Batch Plants)
- Cutting Fluid Mists
- Diaper Manufacturers
- EV Battery Manufacturers
- Firing Ranges (lead dust collection)
- Food Manufacturers / Baked Goods Manufacturers (Example Dusts Include Powdered Milk, Salt, Spices, Sugar, Sweetener, Nutraceuticals, Poultry Processors)
- Furniture Manufacturers
- General Contractors
- Laboratories
- Meat / Poultry Processors
- Metal & Metal Product Manufacturers (Fume Collection / Dust And Shavings Removal)
- Movie Set Designers (for quick assembly / disassembly and pleasing appearance)
- Mineral Processors & Mine Operators
- Museums
- Oil Mists requiring a sealed duct system
- Oven Exhausts
- Paint Manufacturers
- Paper & Packaging Manufacturers {paper trim installation example}
- Pet Food Processors
- Petrochemical Manufacturers
- Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Manufacturers
- Polymer & Plastics Processors / Injection / Blow Molders
- Recycled battery manufacturers
- Recyclers (Installation example | another installation example)
- Retailers (for merchandising displays {see example} as well as in dust collection systems)
- Rubber Manufacturers
- Schools and Universities
- Sheet Metal
- Sporting goods manufacturers (golf balls, etc.)
- Textile/Nonwovens Manufacturers
- Tradeshow Exhibit & Sign Manufacturers
- Welding and Machining (Fume Elimination | Weld Fume Collection in Ambient Air Pull System)
- Wood Products Manufacturers – from one-person shops to large manufacturing facilities
- Anyone Needing To Eliminate Vehicle Exhausts
The above is only a sampling of industries where Nordfab ducting has been applied. Contact us to find out if Nordfab's Quick-Fit and flanged ducting are a good fit for your application.